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Our Capabilities Since 1971 Heartland Industries has provided the highest quality business services possible for our clients, while also bringing meaning and routine to workers of various abilities. Below are many of our services.

Don't see what you are looking for? Be sure to contact us to discuss any of your custom program needs.
Facts Heartland Industries serves over 90 companies throughout the U.S. The Heartland Industries facility is nearly 50,000 square feet
Marcia Passanise, Purchasing Manager, Concordia Publishing House​

“We have worked with Heartland Industries for many years. Heartland Industries has been efficient and reliable in delivering products on time and to the high standards required by Concordia Publishing House. Heartland Industries has an established track record of good customer service and are proactive in assisting Concordia Publishing House with any problems that arise.”

Aimee Davis, Global Marketing Communications Manager, Solutia Inc.​

“Proficient, dependable and cost-effective are three ways that best describe working with Heartland Industries. Heartland has proven to be a trusted partner for our shrink wrap and packaging needs and we’re eager to work with them on future developments.”